...Kombat Kool. Still amazes me that those two words solved my problem.

It was several years of battling anhidrosis with my heart horse which is a thoroughbred gelding. I had tried ONE AC for a year, did not work.
👑He is fed like a king, unlimited gorgeous Bermuda hay and a small amount of Safe Choice Special Care grain and vitamins. He was getting worse in the Texas heat so years ago I made horse fountains so he could walk in and out to cool down. I also installed a misting system in case he didn't want the fountain. I was running the county dry trying to keep my baby cooled down. 💦
Last year I went on a trail ride and a fellow rider noticed my horse was puffing harder than all the other horses. She said two words to me... Kombat Kool. Still amazes me that those two words solved my problem. I am forever grateful of that lady on the trail ride. My horse has been perfect ever since! It only took a few days to work and he has been back to new.
Thank you Kombat for doing what you do. Grateful beyond words!
-SaraSue M.