He not only gained the weight he needed, he is maintaining it

We have an older gelding, Legs, we have had for 5 years, (estimated late 20s, early 30s) who started to lose weight rapidly in 2022. We are his retirement home and from what we know of him, he had never had health issues. He has light work teaching our kids how to love, ride and care for a horse.
At his worst was June of 2022, we adjusted feed, supplements, feeding arrangements (away from other horses), teeth floated annually with vaccinations, farrier every 8 weeks. He had gained a little weight back but still didn’t look good at all and we were worried he wouldn’t survive another winter. I researched different feeding concoctions for an older horse and found this product used in a YouTube video. We bought our first bag in October of 2022 and we are convinced this is what saved him.
He is happy and thriving, spunky even! He loves life again! He not only gained the weight he needed, he is maintaining it. (Kombat boots one scoop twice a day, Triple Crown Senior (per weight recommendations and 2 flakes of alfalfa twice a day). Thank you for this product and helping to bring back the joy of our old boy and his love for our kiddos! (Photo is from his worst June 2022 - recent August 3,2023)
-Amy & Lucio A.