Spirit's Recovery

This is the story of Spirit. I took this horse on in early December 2022. Spirit was rescued by the current owner.
We got Spirit trimmed and moving a little better. There were pockets of thrust penetrating the laminea and running up the hoof wall due to separation in the white line. We had x-rays taken to check the coffin bone; there was little to no rotation.
Late December, we came back and removed the seedy toes, and put Spirit in some clip shoes to stabilize the hoof capsule.
Mid-February 2023, we started Spirit on Kombat Boots’ KOMBAT KLEER. KOMBAT KLEER is a mycotoxin binder that reduces systemic inflammation and increases blood flow to the hooves.
Fast forward to today (March 10, 2023), Spirit is grade 2 lame; difficult to observe at a walk or when trotting in a straight line but consistently apparent under certain circumstances (e.g., weight-carrying, circling, inclines, hard surface, etc.). Spirit’s hooves are growing back quickly and the inflammation is now being managed; providing a better quality of life.
Outstanding job by this client taking care of their horse! The aftercare provided by the customers is just as important, if not more than the 6 week farrier visit. Keep up the great work!
-Rocking Speer Ranch, LLP Farrier Services