I stopped seeing redness and signs of inflammation in her feet

Kombat Kleer has been a game changer for my horse!! I have struggled for 3 years trying to transition her out of shoes and repair her hooves.
She was in shoes from the age of 2-6 and she had developed caudal failure with prolapsed frogs, crushed under run heels and NPA bone alignment in all 4 feet. Corrective shoeing with wedge pads wasn’t working and only led to abscesses and thrown shoes constantly breaking up her hoof walls.
So, in fall 2021 I made the decision to give her a break from shoes and see if her feet could heal. She was too tender footed and thin soled to go barefoot in the pasture so I bought hoof boots and pads and kept her in them during turn out. Her feet began to heal and correct themselves by spring 2022 but she was still too tender footed to ride in hoof boots or go barefoot in pasture unless it was soft muddy ground. So I decided to put shoes and pads back on her that summer and sadly watched all my hard work go down the drain as her hooves went backwards again.
Fall of 2022 I decided to let her go barefoot again and we were back to wearing boots in turn out but soon I was able to ride her in boots too and by spring and summer of 2023 she was still doing well enough that I decided not to go back to shoes but she was still showing signs of tenderness if I let her out in the pasture barefoot when it was hard dry ground.
In Fall of 2023 I saw an ad for Kombat Kleer and what got my attention was how they said many horses that needed hoof boots for turn out were now able to be turned out barefoot after beginning Kombat Kleer!! Well that was music to my ears because I’ve now spent the better part of 2 years booting my horse EVERY day and at least a couple times a week I was walking the pasture searching for lost boots lol. I ordered some Kombat Kleer to give it a try!! I started giving it to my mare around Nov 2023… and by Christmas I noticed she was doing good enough that I had not had to boot her for turn out in a while and when I rode her in hoof boots she was feeling better too. I stopped seeing redness and signs of inflammation in her feet all the time as well!
We had a pretty dry winter here in Kentucky 2023-2024 and she was able to remain barefoot all winter, into spring and now in summer!! I took my first big trip with her in April and rode her in hoof boots in the mountains and she felt fantastic! I’m also riding her and running flags totally barefoot now too!! Since starting her on Kombat Kleer last fall she has made tremendous strides in her hoof recovery and I couldn’t be happier with the progress she’s made!! Adding Kombat Kleer to her diet was the only change I made last fall when I began to notice such big improvements. She no longer needs boots for turn out and I no longer see the signs of inflammation in her hooves!!
Thank YOU for this great product!!
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-T. Caldwell